CONCEPT is an interdisciplinary journal of graduate studies sponsored by the Graduate Studies division of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Villanova University. CONCEPT accepts submissions from Villanova graduate students in all fields of the arts and sciences. Submissions are reviewed by graduate student editors, faculty editors and peer reviewers, with final decisions made by the editors.
Current Issue
Vol. 47: CONCEPT
Published: 2024-06-20
Graduate Research Prize (English)
Human Resources
Political Science
Theology and Religious Studies
Call For Submissions
CONCEPT will be accepting article submissions for the 2023 issue beginning in November 2022. The deadline for submission is February 1, 2023. The author of the best article in the 2023 issue will receive the Graduate Student Research Prize.
New authors should register with the website by clicking the ABOUT link above, then the "Online Submissions" link, and then the "Go to registration" link. From there, follow the instructions for registering as a system user before posting an article submission. Be sure to complete all five steps of the user registration process. Please indicate the name of your program of study (not Villanova) in the "Affiliation" field. Submissions are given double-blind peer review; please do not include your name in the filename of any documents uploaded.
An author may submit one article per year for consideration. Students interested in serving as Peer Reviewers or Graduate Student Editors should contact the Managing Editor, Dr. John Kurtz in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences ( for further information.